The ExCECS Certification increases the value of the Quality of processes of professionalization of the Expert  of Creative Education, about skills and functions he must manage in school and educational systems. Is intended for graduates students who have obtained the qualification of ExCE Master or equivalent Master who want their acquired skills and abilities recognised.  The Certification is internationally valid and recognized as an acknowledgement of skills and abilities of the Experts of Creative Education. The Obtainment of the certification permits to be inserted in the “I.S.P.E.F. Register of Master Certificates” To candidate to obtain the Certification it is necessary, in addiction to the qualification of ExCE Master or equivalent Master, to have some specific requirements and to have skills as described in keeping with regulations. For more information about ExCECS Certification visit    I.S.P.E.F – Certification ExCECS
International Network of Reserch and Training
La Specializzazione nell’Educazione Creativa vuole formare figure professionali  specializzate nel far comprendere ed interpretare la globalità dei linguaggi non verbali ed il  loro intreccio e nel far acquisire abilità in ordine alla comunicazione ed all'espressione  manipolativa-visiva, audiovisuale e massmediale, sonoro-musicale.  Per la formazione di Esperti altamente professionali si è strutturato un progetto che  prevede:  for graduates, the Master ExCE (Expert of Creative Education) to acquire specific skills to qualify as a professional   for professionals who already work in training, the High Training Course  Expert of Creative Education to deepen knowledge and skills;                                       Master ExCE The Master Expert of Creative Education wants to train professional figures able to guide  and coordinate activities of didactical laboratories that deal with image education, music  education, movement education and psycho-movement education, theatre education,  artistic creativity education.  Experts who want to deepen their knowledge and skills about Creative Education can follow a High Training Course lasting 300 hours. High Training Courses Expert of Creative Education  Every Masters follow a precise structure called “ISPEF Model of University Master” with copyright I.S.P.E.F. I.S.P.E.F. – Institute of Psychological Sciences for Educational Training and Research –  Is the Body who created and manage Norms for the Certification of University Master and High Training Courses. E.C.E. – European Center of Education – Is the responsible Association of Masters, High Training Courses and E-learning and co-responsible for the supervising and the assessment of documentation produced by the candidate (Teacher, Director or Expert) to obtain the Certification.  The Certification “Expert of Creative Education Competencies and Skills” is intended for professionals who have attended the I.S.P.E.F. High Training Course for Expert of Creative Education who want their acquired skills and abilities recognised.  The Certification is internationally valid and recognized as an acknowledgement of skills and abilities of the Expert of Creative Education. The Obtainment of the certification permits to be inserted in the “I.S.P.E.F. Register of High Training Courses Certificates” To candidate to obtain the Certification it is necessary, in addiction to the High Training Course “Expert of Creative Education” Certificate, to have some specific requirements and to have skills as described in keeping with regulations. For more information about Certification “Expert of Creative Education Competencies and Skills” visit    I.S.P.E.F – Certification Competencies and Skills                                        Expert of Creative Education